We are Hiring!We are hiring a Landscape Designer to join our growing design firm! This position is for immediate hire. Secret Garden Landscapes is a...
Plant Spring Bulbs NowBulbs are the first signs of spring and always make me smile when I see them popping up around my town and in my garden. They provide...
Non-profit Highlight : Cal-IPCCal-IPC stands for California Invasive Plant Council and it is focused on "protecting California's environment and economy from invasive...
Kitchen Corner: What To Do With Extra ZucchiniEvery summer, I love to grow lots of zucchini. I love their big leaves, big flowers and even bigger fruits that grow (yes even though...
From Unused Pool to Backyard Entertaining At Its BestWhen thinking of your current yard, you really need to think about whether the current layout really works for you and your family. For...